Here is an excerpt from our history, where you can find the name of the barbarian king on our cover.
In 2019 the supernatural entity, known as Cryptor, has risen from the river Saar. Bound to an old grudge he was imprisoned under the water. He was feared in many dimensions and in many forms. Now, that he managed to break his chains, he is restless for the right time to haunt the earth again. He chose the guys from GRAVETY as his bearers of steel.
Fueled with power from Cryptor, the undead quintet started to write and record new songs. Cryptor gave the direction: Epic Heavy Metal with songs that lure the listener into a world of sword and sorcery. Once he was a barbarian king and now he wants his tales told through GRAVETY. With new strength the band then recorded “BOW DOWN” between 2019 and 2021 in Tortuga studio owned by Gernot Gebhard.
The first chapter has been written…and it’s an order: