Message to the Children of the Grave

We made it to the TOP 100 NWOTHM releases of 2021! Check out the playlist with many other great bands and support the NWOTHM Full Albums Channel. Thanks for listing us! This year had so many fantastic albums. Which song from us is featured?

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Message to the Children of the Grave

Our album “Bow Down” is now on the legendary NWOTHM Full Albums Channel: Thank you for carrying on the flame of traditional Heavy Metal Anderson Tiago! You can also check the complete album now on Bandcamp: If you like the music you can order your CD here: Thanks for all […]

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“Bow Down” gets 8.5/10 and 9/10!

Sascha Maurer and Less Leßmeister from SaitenKult gave us 8.5/10 and 9/10: Rainer Petry from FFM-Rock gave us 9/10: Thank you very much for your support!

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“Bow Down” has arrived at our crypt!

Phil and Kevin are glad to have the new album finally in their hands. Lukas and Kevin are heading to Keep It True Rising! and Phil will join them on Saturday. If you want to have a chat, drink a beer or buy a CD just yell loud enough. Orders […]

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Message to the Children of the Grave

We present you not one but two new songs from our new album “Bow Down”! The pre-ordering starts now, so just drop us a message. If you attend the “Keep It True Rising!” tell us what you need, we’ll have CDs with us. Now Bow Down before the Tower of […]

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87% for “Bow Down”

Today we present you another fantastic review: André Krause from the Epic Metal Blog gave us 87% and features us in his top three Epic Metal albums of 2021. Bow Down is a must-buy for every fan of hard epic sounds. Thank you very much for your support!

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Signed with Metal On Metal Records

We proudly announce that we have signed with Metal On Metal Records. Our new album “Bow Down” will be released on the 19th November 2021. Our first music video to “Carry On the Flame” can be watched on NWOTHM Full Albums’ YouTube channel. Also be sure to check out the […]

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Carry On the Flame Video

Today we present you our first music video “Carry On the Flame” from our upcoming album “Bow Down” that is due 19th of November 2021. Directed and produced by WitchHunt Pictures it tells a tale that could have been a Robert E. Howard story and is dedicated to the father […]

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